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 univers étrangers

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3 participants


Masculin Nombre de messages : 8
Age : 48
Localisation : Toulouse
Humeur : Space
Date d'inscription : 29/11/2007

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MessageSujet: univers étrangers   univers étrangers Heure11Sam 22 Mar - 16:54

Voici ce que je viens trouver sur l'univers anglais. univers étrangers 655409
Surement des connaissances du captain Picard Exclamation

Hello Space Pilots,

It's the year 2008 and the Easter Bunny is roaming the width of the Universe.....
We are in the command post of commander “ Udarwa“ on planet “ Zentauri9“.

He commands several Fleets which are active in the 10th galaxy.... until the 23.01.08 of the old human time their activity was rather calm.

Until that was he received a message from his recycling fleet in the 42nd sun system...
This is the Captain of the Discovery, Commander Urdawa...... Do you copy?

* Commander Urdarwa goes to the radio *

Commander: Captain of the Discovery go ahead I read you.....

Captain of the Discovery: we have an unidentified flight object spotted. It is currently near the planet “Zentauri14” not moving!

Commander: What are you looking at exactly?

Captain of the Discovery: : I can not really say Commander, the signal is too weak. But it is no known signal Commander!

*A murmur went through the command post and you start to see nervous faces*

Commander: : I want a status report on this object asap, Captain!

Captain of the Discovery: : Commander we are flying at full energy! Who knows who else already noticed it? We have to be the first ones to arrive there!

*The Captain of the Discovery speaks to his crew* Full speed towards the unknown object! We have to know what this is about!

Captain of the Discovery: : This is Captain of the Discovery the calling my commander... do you read me?

*Commander Urdarwa goes to the radio*

Commander: : Go ahead Captain I read you....

Captain of the Discovery: : You will not believe what is going on here commander! Shortly after we arrived a number of unknown recyclers appeared in the exosphere of “Zentauri14“. Then they collided with the unknown object and a huge amount of raw material was spilled into space!! The unknown recyclers collected the raw materials and disappeared again. Commander I will transmit a visual copy of the happenings to you now, because I am afraid to speak out what I see on them....

*Transmission starts and starts to play*

Commander: : Oh my God its an Easter egg which releases the raw materials....

*An uncomfortable silence goes through the command post. Until the Captain speaks again*

Captain of the Discovery: : Commander? We have discovered 10 of these objects while doing a routine scan! Waiting for orders....

Commander: : Captain I want all objects including their content. I will send you another recycling fleet, send me your coordinates immediately!




And so the search for the Easter eggs in all systems of the universe started... it will continue until the 24.03.08 23:59 o'clock GMT+1 in the old human time reckoning!

Dear Space Pilots we wish you a happy Easter Holidays and a lot of fun searching the eggs! All of you will receive 10 recycler in order to look for the eggs. You will find them on your main planet.

Happy Easter,
Your Bigpoint and SI Team
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 491
Age : 40
Localisation : villefontaine_38
pseudo ingame : ZEUS_38
Date d'inscription : 30/09/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: univers étrangers   univers étrangers Heure11Sam 22 Mar - 17:05

super som.c'est la preuve que notre univers aussi n'as pas ete oublie.^^
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 8
Age : 48
Localisation : Toulouse
Humeur : Space
Date d'inscription : 29/11/2007

univers étrangers Empty
MessageSujet: Re: univers étrangers   univers étrangers Heure11Dim 23 Mar - 3:49

Salut Chrylsain,

Comme qui dirait "tout fini par arriver" etc. etc.
De toute maniere je suis en priorité sur le SI francais (Enter31 maintient la pression !). J'ai beau etre peu actif (pour pas dire I...f) C bocou + vivant comme univers. Donc je garde la priorité a WDS.

Quand au SI anglais je joue quand ils dorment ! y'a bien qlq europeens mais j'ai pas encore repérés de frenchies à recruter. Bref, pour commencer C plus calme mais on s'y ennuit peut etre + vite !
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 260
Age : 62
Localisation : TOULOUSE
Date d'inscription : 30/09/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: univers étrangers   univers étrangers Heure11Dim 23 Mar - 4:24

En clair, c'est des anglais quoi . . . .

Quand on roule à gauche, forcément, faut faire plus attention

univers étrangers 53414
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MessageSujet: Re: univers étrangers   univers étrangers Heure11

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